Things you've found under water

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On another occasion, a group of us had surfaced, swam to the club boat and were waiting out turn to roll up on the platform. Somebody yelled "Ow. Watch where you put those tanks. They just smacked me in the back of my head". Somebody else said "Who are you talking too? There's nobody behind you".

After some confused investigations, we discovered a set of twin 72's with regulator floating with nobody attached. None of our divers claimed them and there was no other boats around. We turned it in at the Coasty Station and notified the LDS. Somebody claimed them pretty quick. He had taken it off to get in the boat and they were gone when he turned around to pull them in behind him.
A buddy of mine told me the reverse of that story: He clipped his BC to the swimstep when he got into his boat and forgot to bring it on board. He realized his mistake when he got back to the dock and the rig was long gone.

He was bummed to lose his gear but also worried that some other boater would find it and assume there was a missing diver, so he called the lifeguards in Malibu to let them know the situation in case it was found. Sure enough, his tank, BC, reg etc. had washed up on a beach and the lifeguards were happy to return it to him.
What, if anything, have you found and salvaged on your dives? I'm not talking about scavenging wrecks, I'm just curious to know what items, if any, all of you have stumbled upon while diving.

Here's my list to date :

4 kg of lead weights
2 masks
1 snorkel
1 safety sausage
1 bottle of champagne
1 dive knife with integrated bottle opener
assorted litter
I found
shotgun shell casings
golf balls
a downrigger cannonball
old Fox Deluxe beer can
huge salmon spoon
several fishing lures
many weights, some with pockets
a watch (it works)
a dollar bill
Black Opal
I found
shotgun shell casings
golf balls
a downrigger cannonball
old Fox Deluxe beer can
huge salmon spoon
several fishing lures
many weights, some with pockets
a watch (it works)
a dollar bill
Black Opal
Pretty sure I dropped that dollar. I can identify it. It has a picture of George on the front! :)
A buddy of mine told me the reverse of that story: He clipped his BC to the swimstep when he got into his boat and forgot to bring it on board. He realized his mistake when he got back to the dock and the rig was long gone.

He was bummed to lose his gear but also worried that some other boater would find it and assume there was a missing diver, so he called the lifeguards in Malibu to let them know the situation in case it was found. Sure enough, his tank, BC, reg etc. had washed up on a beach and the lifeguards were happy to return it to him.
I know someone (who is on SB) that did a solo knight dive and had anchored his flag off shore and forgot to retrieve it at the end of the dive...

The next morning the Fire department was out looking for him. He was too embarrassed to call and claim it.
I know someone (who is on SB) that did a solo knight dive and had anchored his flag off shore and forgot to retrieve it at the end of the dive...

The next morning the Fire department was out looking for him. He was too embarrassed to call and claim it.
He could have been concerned about being given a bill from the fire dept for the retrieval of the flag.
What, if anything, have you found and salvaged on your dives? I'm not talking about scavenging wrecks, I'm just curious to know what items, if any, all of you have stumbled upon while diving.

Here's my list to date :

4 kg of lead weights
2 masks
1 snorkel
1 safety sausage
1 bottle of champagne
1 dive knife with integrated bottle opener
assorted litter
In order when I found them

2.old bottles (numerous)
3. Gold ring
4. Fossil shark teeth
1) wreck reel
2) weights (numerous times)
3) one fin
4) snorkel
5) speargun
6) GoPro
7) Speargun shafts
8) Dive light
9) Mask and snorkel
10) Dollar bill
11) Rod and tuna reel that probably bounced out of a rod holder of someones boat. Gave it to a junk man who said he liked to retore them.

Found the owner of the GoPro. Found the owner of the wreck reel who said I could keep it; he only bought it becuase the class he took required it. Snorkel was cheap junk. Speargun was cheap pneumatic junk. Weights I still have. Fin I think I eventually threw it away as no one needs just one fin. Shafts were rusty. Dive light I gave away since I already have several. mask and Snorkel I took to the dive shop because I know they do classes there. they said one of their students in the rescue class lost it a few days earlier. The dollar bill I spent.

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