Trash this thread
This is total unadulterated BS.
The story has been debunked as a cruel hoax both by all official reports and by "Urban Legends" - there was no malfeasance on the part of the heroic uncle or any of the other rescuers.
I recommend you remove the entire thread immediately and be on the lookout for its resurfacing.
I say again, the story is a LIE.
I ask that you re-read the original post. The post posed a "question" to the forum members and clearly stated that there was not anymore than just that email to point to any proof one way or another. Information was being requested. LD was asking for someone to clarify the nature of the email we had received. Not only have we received a dozen or so emails from people, who received the same email, asking about the validity of this story but when you start seeing and hearing things on TV about it, I feel that it is a valid concern which should be discussed. That is the nature of the forum, to bring things out in the open and discuss them.
1) No, this thread will not be removed.
2) It was posted for a
3) It has accomplished its goal
4) Post like this are good!
5) How could possibly think that debunking something that is false is a bad thing?
Notice the original post is a "request" or a "question". Why is this? To start a discussion on it. To find out where such a conclusion was started. To stop such obnoxious rumors before they really get started.
Notice where we said this email originated from.
It was
NOT stated as some sort of fact but asking if anyone knew how or where it started (like those local to the area, since they might have a more first hand view of it) ...
If you want to send more heated emails to someone, send them to the stories author, or distributor(s) like those we mentioned that were spreading the story in this case. This is being sent out to divers as FACT from a fairly well known Scuba Web site. As soon as we got a copy we posted it here right away to get as quick of an answer as possible. I would like to think our divers around these forums would rather be INFORMED of the truth than to continue to believe stuff like this.
These forums are not only to share the true points of diving but to also debunk the False point that can spread so quickly.
Thank you for Posting with exactly what we thought would be the answer and for posting it in a way that will clearly set the record straight for anyone that reads such an email or hears such a story.