They walk amongst us

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Newspaper reporters (who are supposed to check the facts) report that the victim was beaten with a lead pipe. I've read this several times in different newspapers.

lead pipes?
i have certified divers coming up to me and asking how much oxygen from the oxygen tank i breathe when i dive...They walk among us...

Tell them 21% and see if the figure it out
I once asked someone what time it was. They responded, "You mean right now?"

No, you idiot, I mean 20 minutes ago.
Newspaper reporters (who are supposed to check the facts) report that the victim was beaten with a lead pipe. I've read this several times in different newspapers.

lead pipes?

There was a time when pipes (especially the underground, water carrying) were made of lead because it can be bent and does not rust. I once worked a detail where the lead pipes were being replaced. The "pipe guy" told me that lead pipes posed no danger as long as the water was allowed to run for a few seconds before drinking, or whatever. However, lead, as we know, is bad. So is mercury; unless the dentist is packing it into your teeth; then it's good.
There was a time when pipes (especially the underground, water carrying) were made of lead because it can be bent and does not rust. I once worked a detail where the lead pipes were being replaced. The "pipe guy" told me that lead pipes posed no danger as long as the water was allowed to run for a few seconds before drinking, or whatever. However, lead, as we know, is bad. So is mercury; unless the dentist is packing it into your teeth; then it's good.

yup and parents think only bottled water is healthy for their children and then wonder why they get so many cavities.
I was in the Air Force stationed on a small Army camp. When I lost my ID card, I went to report it to the Military Police (MPs). After I explained what happened, the MP gave me a form to fill out, and said, "And can I see your ID card for a moment?"

They walk among us, AND CARRY GUNS!
when we were younger, my brother and I were swimming in a smaller river. in the middle was buoy that identified the boundaries for the nearby shipyard. as we swam out to it, we thought it was a good idea to climb onto it.....the local water cops saw it, raced over to us demanding to see identification. 2 10-12 year old kids, in the middle of the channel in nothing but trunks.....and the cop demanding ID there and then or he will not le us go!

they walk amongst us and they CLAIM to be the authority and the law!
Working as a Paramedic for many years I've always loved the question: "Why is ambulance spelled backwards on the front of the unit?"

I always told people that it was so when we were backing up, it would look like it was spelled right. Amazingly, that never got questioned.
One day while I was working at the dive shop, a girl came in and started looking at the dutch springs pamphlet. She commented on how many things were in the water (plane, crane, bus, helicopter, boat, etc.) and then asked "Did they put them there?" I felt like saying "No, the plane and helicopter crashed into the water- everything else just randomly fell out of the sky."

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