I have usually done what Lorien suggested - hold the extra hose in place either under the cam band (assuming there is room to place it in a gap where it is not compressed by the bands) or place it under the velcro tail of the cam band(s).
With regard to the "failure point" comment mentioned on the previous page, schrader valves ae dirt simple and to have one leak at all is rare, to have one leak catastropically is almost unheard of.
However, it is not uncommon at all to damage an o-ring by removing and replacing hoses and plugs. These o-rings are normally static and see little wear. Lubricant is needed to get them to seat however and if not properly lubricated they can be damaged in the installation and/or removal process. Plus when not attached the lubricated o-ring is suceptible to picking up dirst, salt crystals etc that further accellerate wear.
So in short, it is safer to leave the extra hose in place and accept the (very minimal) risk of a leaky schrader valve than to swap it back and forth and accept the greater risk of leaks caused by damaged o-rings.
If you just have to remove the hose every time you change configuration, do it properly with a properly cleaned and lubed o-ring in either the hose or the LP port plug.