THE Hammerhead:I'm still here btw, and will be diving that exact same dive next Friday!
2 years late, but I can still answer. No typo at all, we were worried about nitrogen - I know, I know, we were on Nitrox, but we'd been so deep that we really weren't sure what to do.
Basically we communicated by sign language that we'd stay at 5m until both tanks were almost completely dead, and use the last couple of breaths to make the surface, hence we both had empty tanks when we got there, miles away from where we were supposed to be.
Still sends a shiver down my spine...could have gone much further wrong so easily.
That's some absolute craziness, no doubt about it! Any word from the aforementioned dive buddy?
Also, I'm curious as to how you finally got the boats attention. Did they find you by chance, or did the sausage actually serve it's purpose?