Why bother trying to convert and Atheist or Agnostic? They chose to believe, feel or theorize there is no God or Supreme Being. So what? The fact is Sam Harris and his ilk make good arguments, blame every bad thing that has ever happened in the world on religion and dismiss everything they can not prove or hold in their hands as claptrap (Thals favorite word.) Again, so what? As scientists they know full well it is impossible to prove a negative and anyone who has any faith must have a hole in their head. Again, so what?
It somehow makes them feel superior (Admittedly a broad brush and maybe not even a fair statement.) to ridicule and call people of faith names. We all know people like that. Again, so what. I love science, engineering, philosophy, history, art and music. Im enthralled by new discoveries, breakthroughs in medicine and chemistry. But none of it diminishes my faith.
My question to the scientists and engineers out there, its 2008, where the hell is my flying (Think Jetsons) car you promised?
It somehow makes them feel superior (Admittedly a broad brush and maybe not even a fair statement.) to ridicule and call people of faith names. We all know people like that. Again, so what. I love science, engineering, philosophy, history, art and music. Im enthralled by new discoveries, breakthroughs in medicine and chemistry. But none of it diminishes my faith.
My question to the scientists and engineers out there, its 2008, where the hell is my flying (Think Jetsons) car you promised?