I have the Canon Powershot S40 digital camera with the WPDC300 housing. It's an older model 4MP camera. Canon is now up to the S70 (7MP). Its a great camera and has a lot of the features you're looking for: Manual, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority and movie mode. It's great with and without a strobe. I got my camera, used, off for under $200, the housing was also under $200 on eBay. It has decent battery life with the LCD screen on, and saves images in RAW or Jpeg on a compact flash card. Check out, my photo gallery for sample shots.
I have the Canon Powershot S40 digital camera with the WPDC300 housing. It's an older model 4MP camera. Canon is now up to the S70 (7MP). Its a great camera and has a lot of the features you're looking for: Manual, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority and movie mode. It's great with and without a strobe. I got my camera, used, off for under $200, the housing was also under $200 on eBay. It has decent battery life with the LCD screen on, and saves images in RAW or Jpeg on a compact flash card. Check out, my photo gallery for sample shots.
Snarffy:Ok so after everyone's posts, I've been poking around at various digital cameras. Pretty much, the criteria have been: 4+ mp, canon or oly (I have no clue where else to look), and price. Ideally, I'd love to find a cam that also has manual/aperture priority/shutter priority settings, but it seems those are out of my price range. Here's what I've found, I'd love comments on the cameras below:
Canon A80: 4mp, 3.6x dig zoom, 38-114 mm optical zoom. Camera & housing average price on ebay: $225-325
Canon A85: 4mp, 3.6x dz, 35-105mm oz. Av. Price: $250-350
Oly C-460Z/D-580Z (why is this listed on as the same camera?):
4mp, 4x dz, 35-105 o.z. Av. price $160-260
-The A95 and housing average about $450, too high for me. Ditto for the Oly C-4000, C-4040 and C-5000. Particularly because the housing for the 4000/4040 was not available on ebay, so I would be buying it at an MSRP of $280. Camera itself was only about $200 on ebay.
-I've heard the C-series of Oly's are good, so what is the C-460/D-580 thing?
I'd love recommendations on the above cameras based on ease of use, ability to grow, and quality of pictures. Of course, I still welcome comments on the film cameras too, and anything else I should know!!!
Thanks again...