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hey all, for a long time i've wanted to go scuba diving because i just love the ocean, but i'm only 16, and i dont know how old you have to be to go diving. Do you need a diving licence and if so, how old must you be to get it?
thanx a bunch

You need to be certified. This involves a class where you learn how to dive safely. You're old enough for the regular certification. There are junior certifications available for kids as young as 12 from most agencies although 2 agencies will certify as young as 10. Many instructors have serious misgivings about certifying children that young. Go to then go to the new diver section for information on how to choose the best course in your area.


Welcome to the best scuba board on the internet. The people here will gladly answer any questions you can come up with and they are really nice too. Like Walter said, you're old enough to take the classes to get a SCUBA certification. Keep us informed about your choices! This board is a good place for information and I hope to see you around it!
Ber :bunny:
It depends upon who you do your certification with. Europe and the USA is full of Healthy Divers who started their diving life at your age.

I myself started in the pool in 1968 (I was 14 years old) and made it through to diving in the sea in1969.

It depends on so many things that we could all write a book on the pro's and con's of starting diving early. I think maturity and physical size has as much to say as age.

Good luck with your diving career and make sure you get the best instruction available.

May your bubbles flow Forever upwards
Welcome to the boards and hopefully soon you will be a new diver.

As I'm sure you will realize your parents will still need to sign off on you being allowed to take a class. Instead try to get one or both of them to take the class with you. It will be more fun that way and diving is something that can be a great family activity.

Best wishes to you.
Welcome to the board, from NJ!
The other folks have given the info about age,etc., and they are 100% correct-get certified.
Also, this is the best place for your questions-and answers-as you train, dive, and have fun.
good luck,
Hi Katie,
Welcome to the boards.
The training opportunities for a diving certificate are either agency or club. Which ever choice you make, your a winner. It is a pastime that has held my interest fom my teens and still does, now that I am in my fifties.
Many people I know, had their introduction to diving through a Padi open water course, on an adventure holiday.
I wanted to start scuba diving when I was twelve, but was only allowed to snorkel. These days most clubs will train 14 year olds.
If there is a scuba club in your area, it may be possible for you to have a free try dive in a swimming pool.
Scuba diving is a sport you need to be water fit for, which is one of the reasons I think people should dive regularly or not at all.
and a Warm Welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state

let me say that we are glad that you found us and are interested in the wonderful world below :balloon: take the advice given, find a instructor that you are comfortable with and invite your parents to join with you, and remember you are never to old or young to learn and improve.
Welcome to the board. You'll get good advice here.

You need to get certified in order to scuba dive. There are many training agencies to choose from, and it is best to ask around to find a good instructor.

In the USA and most countries, you can get certified at your age. A few countries (Malta for certain, and I think France) require you to be at least 18 to dive. Also, some coutries may require a license to dive on your own in addition to your certification (again Malta, maybe others?).

Ask around at dive shops where you want to dive if there are any local laws that restrict diving.

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