The Great Gun Question

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Fooooooooooooool! Nice to see you looking into doing another form of diving that I also enjoy.

Tropical Diver knows her stuff.. I believe she holds a womens record for a fish that she shot :)

Personally, I use an AB Biller 42 special. I could probably get away with a 48 and still be alright, but I have this height disadvantage that makes it tough to get a comfortable grip and pull back on a long gun... not to mention, after having my shoulder rebuilt 3 times, I dont have the strength to do things I used to. For you, my friend, a 48 would fit you like the 42 does me. Its got enough power to smack most fish flat and proportionally it'd be easy to move around.

Why did I choose a Biller? Because my wife bought it for me. She bought it after consulting a number of spearo friends in the area, including the shop manager who has been using a Biller since he was in high school. Its inexpensive, fairly easy to work with, and if I can kill fish with it, anyone can :)
Seeeeee.. I read so much stuff that sometimes its hard to keep things straight. I'm glad I have people to keep me straight with my information. :D

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a 157# Blue Tuna that she shot while free diving?
Posted by Chad Carney....."Congratulations Sheri Daye for your new official Women's World Record Yellowfin Tuna with both the IUSA and IBSRC organizations!!!

The tuna weighed 157 lbs or 71.27 Kilos and was taken freediving on November 2nd, 2003 with a Daryl Wong speargun.

For the full story see the new winter issue of Spearfishing Magazine. or call 863-533-4114."

THAT GIRL CAN SHOOT!!!! But to pull in a fish like that, you need a float system - which I haven't quite figured out how exactly they work...or how they are used...or what they attach to... :dazzler1: I've still got tons to learn!!!
Yup, Colin, this is something I have been wanting to do for some time now. But considering that I can only dive on weekends, & I also am looking at doing my cavern class the middle/end of next month, there just doesn't seem to be nearly enough dive time available.

Next weekend I am at Ginnie Springs with the family, so I will get some good practice in for cavern diving, but the weekend after, I am hoping to set up a spearing trip with the aforementioned guy with a boat & spare gun.

Hey, get busy with your boat. That way, I can come down with the wife. She can console Kris about not being able to dive & help her man the boat while you & I are down below. Ought to make for some tasty grillouts.

Everyone, many thanks for the information you have shared so far. It has been a lot of help to someone who is entirely new to spearing. While I can't say that I know for certain what gun I should buy, I DO know a lot more about spearguns than I did a few days ago. Keep the advice coming, I read & reread each & every word.
Tell ya what.. I'll be happy if all I ever shoot is 20# grouper and jacks and sheeps heads and snappers and makarel. I just enjoy sport of it. :)
If you plan to spearfish often (every weekend for example), a JBL gun may not be a good idea. The trigger mechanism on mine is wearing out in a little over a year. With that said, please note that the JBL trigger mechanism fails by not firing, which is a safe design. Also, I've heard that the XHD series have an upgraded trigger mechanism which is much more durable.

Also, I'd suggest that you do not get a gun that's too small. you'll end up losing fish with an underpowered gun, unless you shoot at small fish exclusively.

I've bagged a decent amount of fish with the JBL 38 Special, but there have been a few incidents during the last few weeks that have resulted in my decision to retire my 38-Special and to go out and get a Riffe C-3XS:

1. Back in June, I'd taken a head shot at a 24" male California Sheephead from about 8ft away. I hit the sheephead, but only succeeded in putting a scratch on its head.

2. On the same day, I shot a 21" Sand Bass. The shaft did not puncture the fish, so, it fell off the shaft. Luckily, I stoned the fish and was only about 10 feet off the bottom (98ft.), so I was able to just pick it up.

3. Between June ~ Aug, there have been quite a few times when I had excelllent shot opportunities, but had the trigger lock up on me.

4. Last month, a 3ft WSB got within 15 ft. of me, but I did not even consider taking the shot because I knew that I did not have enough gun.

5. Last weekend, I stalked a swimming halibut and got within 8 or 9 ft, but the trigger locked up on me again.

6. Same day, I'd spotted the biggest halibut I've ever seen (my buddy estimated it to be bigger than 40"), and took a head shot at and angle from about a shaft length away. I hit the halibut on head behind the eyes but the spear tip did not penetrate.

I think "5" and "6" was the last straw for me. I've come to the conclusion that hunting larger fish with a small gun with an unreliable trigger is not going to work. I started to shop around for a decent sized Riffe as soon as I got home.
i have not had any problems with my explorer 22 and big fish.
in one of my spots the sheephead just sit in their holes and i just picked a nice spot in the center of the head and fired from oh about 6 inches.
heh it was dead before the spear stopped moving.

tho i was doing a dive at horse hjead reef and saw a MASSIVE sheephead it just keep swimming a little faster then me urggg!

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