Good gosh !
Is there no historical knowledge in the diving world ? (After setting down at the Blue Hole with a Super duper Pooper PADI instructor who informed me "There was absolutely no diving until PADI was formed ??" I some how suspect there isn't any historical knowledge
With the passage of time and people I suspect diving history is being lost at a rapid rate....End of sermon
Such a device was on the market 40 years ago.
Larry Scott one of the founders of Sea Pro (aka "At Pac") while located in Fountain Valley, California designed, created, and marketed a regulator with the title DS/FS aka "Dive Safe/Fail Safe (or was it Fail Safe/Dive Safe ??) as an accomament to their at that time evolutionary At Pac BIU.
The operation was simple -- sailor proof - It consisted of a normal regulator with a leak passage to another chamber which communicated with the At Pac inflator mechanism.
If breathing ceased for a specific time air would leak into the adjoining chamber migrating into the inflation mechanism inflating it and A Way We Go to the surface.
In all the years It was on the market and in service I do not recall a mishap
So it has been done-- Larry may have some design interest in it. or since he is approaching 80 may be in the big reef in the sky
Yes I have one "Dive Safe/Fail Safe (or was it Fail Safe/Dive Safe ?) in my dive locker -- almost mint condition..It is a rare one ... any offers ?
Samuel Miller, 111