The key with CORE is to listen to your stomach and your brain....when you are "comfortable" push the plate away! This is not an "all you can eat" plan if you stick to the list....it's very important to STOP when you are just feeling satisfied.
Yes...this seems like it will be the hard part at first.But gosh, this is something I really need to learn. Hooray for Weight Watchers for teaching us how to listen to our bodies. I heard people saying that they didn't feel the urgency to eat all that was on their plate because they weren't counting. I know that having to count everything makes me think about food all day, and hopefully this plan will take food away from being the top priority in my mind. I'm always thinking...okay, how many points do I have left? What am I going to use it on? Is it worth it? How many points do I have left for my recipe at dinner? Hopefully these thoughts will not enter my mind as much. Lori, is pasta sauce, such as healthy choice, Core? I will try the tomato sauce. I will check in this week to let you know how its going.