The controversial topic - diving with (slightly) congested nose

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I take sudafed as mentioned above for seasonal allergies. Unfortunately something is always in bloom in south Florida. I take the 12 hour dose of sudafed to hopefully prevent the medication failing during a dive. I wish I didn't need to take it but otherwise I would not be able to dive.
Additional things you may already know:
- clear before you need to
- I have even started clearing before I jump in
- clear often
- go slow and descend head up if possible
Good luck and go dive.
If I didn't dive everytime my allergies were acting up, I'd NEVER dive! I use sudafed and saline spray. To tell you the truth (and this is gross) AFTER the dive I get the best 'lung unload' you can imagine! (and I'm good for at least a day or two!)

Colds are another matter. I'm currently fighting something, and had to stay dry this weekend....
Sudafed is a bad idea for prolonged treatment - after about 5-7 days you get the rebound effect which can actually make the problem worse.
Its OK for less though if used with caution.
Do the first dive without decongestants and take it slow: that first dive often 'clears the plumbing' (but be sure to wash your face when you surface before you get on the dive boat.... :) )

If its an issue then consider 12-hour sunafed, I used it for years, but having had a reverse block I tend to avoid using it nowadays.

after a shower, i can breathe through both and can equalise quite easily (this is out of the water).
You've answered your own question here. As long as you can equalize, things should be just fine. I have chronic allergies (allergic to work among them), and I am often a bit stuffed up. I descend a bit slower and make sure that I equalize early and often. If I encounter a problem, I ascend a bit and try again. I keep ascending gently until things work out or I am back on the boat. No need to harm your ears just for a single dive. The ocean will still be there tomorrow.
I have had slightly stuffy noses before diving before but if I can clear I will dive. Lately hayfever has returned after four years :( so my sinuses get a bit blocked but not enough that I can't clear, and I find diving really clears them out! :)

Had a particularly blocked nose before were I couldn't clear, so I took Sudafed. Well it wore off on my ascent and I had a reverse squeeze. Was so painful it has kind of put me off relying on Sudafed. Luckily I haven't had a blocked nose like that again.

As you say you can clear your ears easy, just take it easy on the dive and see how you go. I clear my ears a few times a day, and then when diving I clear on the boat a few times and then when I am in the water on the surface I start before I have even started descending. This has made my ears (or sinus muscles?? I don't know the technical term :rofl3:) stronger or something like that as I rarely get equalisation problems anymore, where as I did get them badly when I first started diving.
I also have this problem, and the congestion usually goes away as the day goes on. I agree with famfubar on the NeilMed-it's a premeasured saline packet that you add to water. They have a kit that has a bottle that you use to mix it in and then squirt half of it up one nostril, blow your nose, and then do the other nostril. It works so well that I use it every day, and am clear all day and night.
I always have allergies and some nasal congestion. My doctor told me to try Flonase 2x day and a daily dose of Zyrtec. It worked great, except I started getting vertigo while diving. Not good so I dropped the Zyrtec (Flonase co-pay is alot cheaper now that Zyrtec is OTC). The vertigo is gone but the congestion is still there a little. Now I have started using a saline spray (I use Nasal Comfort by Zycam) in the morning a before dive. It works great! It helps loosen things up and I don't feel any pressure when diving.

Hope this helps!
Something else not mentioned here - avoid air conditioning if possible. That really dries out and congests people.

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