Thanks to Scuba Jenny, Marvel, H2Andy and many others

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Cousin Itt
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Warsaw, Poland
# of dives
200 - 499
I would like to thank a lot:

Scuba Jenny for taking care of me - picking me up from the airport, accepting me under her roof and everything you did for me as well as for the perfect organization of invade the Keys weekend. I did enjoyed sleeping with you in one bed

Marvel - for perfect organization of Ft. Lauderdale meeting, Smirnoff Ice and all the love you give around

H2Andy (and Melinda) - for taking me under your roof, for the malt whiskey, our dinners and dives and long conversations about life. And for taking me for a good Cuban coffee at Key Largo

GDI - for the great training you gave me - I have learnt a lot of thing nad I promise I will be practicing. Only my ears have to heal first - I ended up with outer ears inflamation (I blame the duckweed).

Walter - for your clever remarks and knowledge about diving which you share willingly. And the warmth and strong hug

OrlandoEric - for your laughter and smile and crazy underwater dancing...

Scubafool - for our dives and fun we had together. Next time - please remember about the grilled shrimps...

El Orans and Elzie - for the Laphrarong (is it a proper spelling), laughter, jokes and great fun

Colin for being a great buddy and so hopeless in the stone/paper/scisors game that I could finally win

And all the others I can't enumerate becasue there was so many of you - so please don't feel forgoten - I do remember you all. I was so happy to be able to meet you...

all this would not hapenn if not Pete and Scubaboard. Pete thanks for keeping SB the way it is - place to meet new, great people and friends. I certainly met and I think made few.

Once more - many, many thanks

Awwwhhh... just saw this. You are quite welcome my friend. My pleasure having you here, and I hope you come back and visit us soon.
(Hermit Crab says Hi!)
Mania, I enjoyed my time with you, come back soon.

Jenny, thanks for bumping it, I missed it too.

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