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Oahu, Hawaii
Hello all. Most of you know me as JB of Catherine96821 fame. I have never really been an internet and email type of guy, but i wanted to spend a few minutes to thank everyone on ScubaBoard that supported not only me, but Catherine, during my recent deployment to Iraq. This was my third (and most difficult) deployment over there, so i have a great understanding of what it means to have someone (and in this case, many someones) at home with me and Catherine in their thoughts.

There are far too many people on ScubaBoard to thank you all, but you know who you are already. It was great to have all of your support to Catherine and I throughout the deployment. She always told me that everyone from ScubaBoard says hello and sends their regards, it means the world.

Again, thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers throughout my deployment.

hi JB - glad to see you are back safe and wearing skirts :D

oh OK, wearing a sarong in Bali for those that are thinking 'what the!'

Catherine wore her heart on her sleeve when it came to you so you were in my thoughts almost every day!

now bunker down, enjoy your time with your lady and family and relax

*big hug*
Hello all. Most of you know me as JB of Catherine96821 fame. I have never really been an internet and email type of guy, but i wanted to spend a few minutes to thank everyone on ScubaBoard that supported not only me, but Catherine, during my recent deployment to Iraq. This was my third (and most difficult) deployment over there, so i have a great understanding of what it means to have someone (and in this case, many someones) at home with me and Catherine in their thoughts.

There are far too many people on ScubaBoard to thank you all, but you know who you are already. It was great to have all of your support to Catherine and I throughout the deployment. She always told me that everyone from ScubaBoard says hello and sends their regards, it means the world.

Again, thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers throughout my deployment.


You deserve all of that and more since you are putting your life on the line to protect the rest of us who are safe back home.

I think the words from a USAF honor guard member at my dad's funeral sums it up best of all.

"On behalf of the President of the United States, the Department of Defense and a grateful nation ...".
Welcome home, JB! We really do appreciate your efforts "Over There" and are glad you're home, safe and sound. From what Catherine has told us, you're quite a guy! You must know, also, what a great lady you have there, at home.
Welcome home, Jim. Thank you so much for your service above and beyond the call of duty. I truly hope your latest deployment will be your last one, as well. :thumb:
dude, no worries

take care of yourself and enjoy your blessings =)

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