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Fort Worth...from Louisiana
I wanted to thank Dee, Beast, ScubaTexan, Texass, Sealskin98, Texasmermaid, TwoBitTexan and,last but not least, H2Okie(my sweetheart) for coming out to Pappadeaux's last night. It was wonderful to finally get to meet everyone. Alot of fun and laughs were had and we got to watch Sealskin98 age right in front of our eyes(Happy Birthday again.) It's going to be great to get together in the future and dive with everyone. And,we'll definitely have to do many more topside get-togethers....but,right now I'm off to take some asprin. Thanks again everyone!

Couldn't believe we spent 5 hours there. We are definitely going to have to do it again.

And thanks to everyone for my B-day "cake." It was delishious, although y'all missed the candle count by one. Everyone says I act like I'm 3, not 2. :eyebrow:

Tommy, next time we can do it on your birthday; I'll bring the oxygen pony bottle for ya. :D (Ya want I should run it by PipeDope first?)

We're gonna have to drag TwoBit out more often, I keep missing him at CSSP. Doug, Dee, Ken, Dez, Tom, was great seeing y'all again, and great to meet Tommy, H2Okie (nicknamed DropsDrinks), and Mermaid. Hope to see all of you at the dive sites!

Now, where did I leave that vodka and tomato juice? I think I need it.
We had a blast.... Beast, the poor OLD thing, hasn't stayed up that late in ages! It was great seeing everyone again and meeting the new folks. trip I hope you'll join us at ScubaToys, I want to check out that place!
Well...we actually went to the boat show today, but certainly Miss H2Okie is now Miss SipsSudsSlowly and no more hurried Hurricanes. Had a great time meeting everyone and thanks again for coming out. Leann
I know that among the bunch that showed up, there has to be at least 5 digital cameras! WHERE ARE ALL THE PICS?

Sorry I couldn't make it. I was attending an all day seminar on Sunday.....actually, it was Defensive see, on the way home from Twin Lakes one day last fall......oh well, you get the idea.

I'll try real hard to make it to the next one. By the way, for those who are keeping score, doesn't that make 2 of these in the DFW area and none anywhere else? Just curious.

Well...we actually went to the boat show today, but certainly Miss H2Okie is now Miss SipsSudsSlowly and no more hurried Hurricanes. Had a great time meeting everyone and thanks again for coming out. Leann

No more Hurried Hurricanes would be a slight on the singularly significant meetings of the slightly slingy Swampsters engaged in rampant reminices of wildly windy stories of adventuresome attainments in the fine field of daring diving in the opulent ambience of friendly fanfare for their dedicated devotion to the...umm, ran outa stuff...oh yeah, the sport!

If anyone has ever seen me in N'Awlins, I wasn't there.

Hmmm, someone has a boat, huh?
Wow...I was drinking Diet Coke and I could hardly read that without stuttering! haha Good one, Mike!

Here's the photos I took....

Happy Birthday, Mike!

Before white balancing! ....ScubaTexan, Texass, Sealskin

The Party Pair....H2Okie, MartigrasTexan

Texasmermaid, TwoBitTxn, H2Okie
Me thinks we're about to find out how liberal and open-minded Michelle is.....LOL
Just wanted to say I had a fantastic time Saturday night. It was nice to see old friends and meet new acquaintances at the same time. Cudos to Mardigrastexan for the idea. Maybe we can have another one in the spring.
Newbie at trying to post pics here, but here's a couple more from the get-together. Should come up as a slide show.

Doug trying to coach Dee on using a camera as Tommy naps while waiting to get his picture taken.
(No, no honey. You have to take the lens cap off first.)


Dee finally gets the lens cap off and catches my stupid little sam elliot lookin' smile, but where's my cake?


Had a great time, hope to see everyone later!

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