The system says it provides an 11% increase in O2 level over just using rescue breaths (presumably using air as the drive gas). It also says that it can deliver oxygen percentages as high as 80% with the use of deco gasses.
I presume you mean with a deco gas of 100% O2. LOL

Can you take a full O2 kit with you when you're hiking into the woods to dive some remote access location? Can you take it underwater with you because you don't want to leave it in the back of your truck at a busy dive site? Would you rather see 10 divers carry something like this because it's convenient, easy and cheap or have 1 with a full O2 kit? If it's your ass on the line would you refuse help from someone carrying one of these while you waited for the person with the "real O2" kit to finish their dive and unlock their car?
Personally, I take O2 to the dive site regardless of where it is. I don't personally frequent crowded dive sites, but I have a designated DM at the point of entry who looks after the O2 equipment and runs the dive.
I would be happy to accept assistance from anyone in an emergency. What I'm saying, is that you take appropriate precautions. One of those is to have emergency O2. It surprises me that as an instructor you don't appreciate this.
This from the same person who defended the use of spare air by saying the following? Hello pot, meet kettle.
No, I haven't condemed anything. I've simply said that O2 is much better to have in a diving emergency and that it's a reasonably affordable alternative (and is a required item for instructors in some agencies).
You disappoint me John. I thought you knew me better than to think that I'd condem another diver for the choice of their equipment. I do believe that consideration of alternatives is beneficial before making an informed decision. Is this something you disagree with?