clive francis
dtcooney:I'm planning a long trip to Thailand next month and am looking for some advice. I got a one way ticket as I'm not sure when I'll be coming back and I'd also like to travel on from Thailand maybe to Borneo, Australia or New Zealand. I was hoping to get a work permit and work as a Dive Master whilst in Thailand. A friend of mine then informed me that I would probably need to have a return flight before I'd be allowed into the country. Has anyone any thoughts on this or had any expierence with working in Thailand as a non-national. Any and all words of wisdom would be welcome.
Thanks :06:
without a return ticket, you will be asked to provide evidence that you can support yourself without working.
without having a return or onward ticket immigration will get funny.
most places will not employ a farrang DM, and you will not get a work visa for one as this is deemed well within the reach of a local.
if you get caught working you will be fined and deported, once you have been deported that effectively bars you from entering again.
its not worth the risk, you may be able to volunteer to be a DM, i.e. you get your dives for free but you get no pay, but then if you have an accident your insurance could be void as you could be classed as a member of staff.
PS be very careful if you rent a bike, you are responsible for any damage and it is normally at cost, plus some and then some more and then you have to pay the police plus any compensation for injuries you have caused to others, as a side not your travel insurance does NOT cover you for motorised vehicles as my brother found out to his expense.
a swedish lady looked the wrong way and stepped out in front of him, he fractured her skull, jaw and cheeck bones, 5 ribs, pelvis, wrist and punctured her lung.
the police took almost 20,000 BHT he had to pay 50,000 BHT for the repair of the bike, 10,000 BHT for another bike, pay for hospital treatment for himself 10,000 BHT, pay for the hire of a car for 3 weeks because we had to visit the woman everyday or the police would put him in prison, pay for the woman's family food while they came out to see her and then they charged him with speeding and fined him for that as well.
at the time it was 50 BHT to the pound so it cost him a couplke of grand for doing nothing wrong!