TG 6/ Sea & Sea YS-03 Solis strobe everything too blue

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Reno, Nevada
Hi all,
I'm hoping that someone with more experience can help me figure out how I'm screwing up (if I am). I bought a TG 6 because of ease of use and have watched the Back Scatter videos for guidance with settings as well as this page Olympus TG-5 and TG-6 Underwater Settings. No matter what I try, my pictures are very, very blue except for night dives. Night dives look great. For reference, I dove in August 2022 and then this month in Cozumel with multiple dives a day, for several days, in mostly sunny conditions with the greatest depth being about 100 ft. One of the guys I was diving with who dives with a TG 6 asked me some questions about settings, didn't see anything "wrong" and thought that it may by that the timing of my strobe is off. I'm really disappointed because I bought this for relatively easy good pictures. Thoughts?
Without seeing any of the pictures, the first few guesses are...
Strobe not firing
Strobe settings incorrect
Subject too far away

Do you mean blue in the back ground? Or do you mean the subject is too blue?
Thanks. Everything is too blue tinged. I know I'm not too far away because it happens if I'm doing something 1 ft away or 10 feet away. I've attached a picture of a nurse shark from a few feet away and a ray from a safety stop.


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But your night shots with the same settings look good? Id say you've got the exposure adjustment turned down to far and your not triggering a preflash and flash in daylight. Do you see the strobe go off?
I don't see it go off during the day. I think I just assumed I wasn't seeing it because it was light outside. But now that you mention it, a few of my night dives turned out completely black. So either really good or couldn't see anything at all.

What would the exposure adjustment need to be? Like I said, I was following what the different sources said for all of the settings, but maybe I've missed something?
You are using a fiber optic cable and the strobe in TTL yes?

I would set it up take some test shots on land.

I use the backscatter settings guide and generally get good results, I also screw around with settings and get some nice artsy shots and a whole lot of garbage.


  • Olympus_TG-5_Settings_Guide.pdf
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You need to test that the strobe is actually triggering by the camera flash. Non-triggering can be from a faulty cable, or the way the cable is connected at the ends, or from the settings on the camera and strobe. The YS-03 is only TTL, os if it is on then that's OK. The camera needs to be set on Fill-in Flash and "P". If you can borrow another cable, try that. If the camera thinks there is plenty of light, then it may not turn the flash on. You can test ALL of this sitting in your living room.
Thank you so much! I will do that today before everything gets put away. I am using a fiber optic cable and the strobe in TTL.
I used to use a similar setup. You are too far from the ray for sure, and probably too far from the shark. You need to be within approx. 2 to 3 feet to get good illumination. Your photos look similar to using the TG-6 in auto white balance without a strobe. If you are shooting in raw you can adjust white balance in post. I would make sure you have the fiber optic cable in the corrent port on the strobe (the YS-01 Solis has two ports, but only one will trigger the strobe, I assume YS-03 is same). You can be in TTL or use manual flash with the YS-01, never used the YS-03 but doubt it is much different.
Thanks. I just picked those two shots because I hadn't yet adjusted the white balance. I had some where I was a foot away with the same blue hue. Fiber cable was in the correct port.

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