I've got the Tetra 3030 (now 4040 before mfg realized they could make more $$$ by changing the body with each upgrade) and really like it.
I also have the Oly5050 with the PT015 housing and not really impressed. I'm looking at the ikelite for the 5050...
Between the 2?? As ssra30 says, price balance. If Money wasn't an object, then I'd go for the Tetra... as I'm thinking I'm going to do with a 7070..
When you get the housing you are committing, as mentioned, to the system or camera & housing. When camera floods, you send it back for one of several options depending upon time.
- within a year - they'll fix
- within 2 years - they might be able to fix or offer a refurbed
- after 2 years - real ifffy on refurbed, probably OK, but next stop is E-bay.
So, once you commit to the housing (strobes may or maynot be transferrable) you are committed to the camera. Which means???? get a back up camera when pricing is down... 1 year or so...?
If the choice is between a Tetra and Ikelite for a 5060, you might just consider dumping the 5060, upgrade to the 7070 and then get the housing for the 7070...
IF you went with the Ike, then housing and new 7070 would still be cheaper than the Tetra.. heheh.. but the Tetra is a sweet deal, not in pricing, but in general use.
You could, of course, for the pricing of the Tetra, LOL... get a D70 and an Ike housing for about the same pricing... sigh does it never end...
as then you get into lens, domes, ports, strobes blah-blah-blah..
I'd get the 7070 w/tetra or ike... then wait a year or two and pick up another backup 7070...
Just a thought eh??
Hope that helps...