Test - Kodak's freebie online album

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Ack - that's what I was afraid of. Guess I better email their helpdesk to see how (or if) I can post just the picture. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hmm I tried linking the image url but it didn't work either

Some web servers don't allow this.
Yes, only one pic.

Did you see it before you clicked on Texass' link? If you clicked the link then your browser could be showing the image from it's cache.
It uploaded another folder of 12 pics REAL fast. I didn't have to select each one. I just browsed to a folder where I had some pics and hit enter. It uploaded them all and then gave me the option to select which ones I wanted to post on their website.

They've got a tab for sharing the photos, but it looks like you can only email them. I'll wait and see what the helpdesk says when they respond.
I don't know what they will tell you but I do know they don't allow the posting of a single picture. It's the biggest reason I quit using them and other free hosting sites and started paying for hosting.

You can link to your album, but not specific photos :(
That's pretty much what I'm expecting. Photo Access has the same problem. But hey, it's free so no great loss.

I started setting up my own web so I can post, but AT&T appearently doesn't like Front Page. After a couple more hours of swearing at my computer I gave up. If throwing a tantrum doesn't help, it's time to do something else IMHO.
With as little as $5 a month you can get some quality web hosting (with no contract). The image gallery scripts make adding pictures so easy. Thats what I use on my site, and I laugh at the days that I used HTML to code my image gallery.
Try Sony's Image Station http://www.imagestation.com. It's free and their web server doesn't seem to mind (so far) linking to single pics. What I do is upload the image >> display it >> right click >> properties and then copy the address of the image and paste into the IMG tag here.

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