TEST - haven't been able to post

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hey, looks like you just posted
yea, but something still isn't quite right.... I can't post unless I'm creating a thread, or I use the "GO Advanced" button, Quick Reply's arn't working
quick reply is the same as just typing on the Quick Reply box at the bottom

not sure why it's still an option, since you can just do it... but... there it is =)
If I type into the "Quck Reply" box, and hit the "Post Quick Reply" button, nothing happens, the web browser just sits forever until I cancel it. If I click the "Go Advanced" button, and post my reply from there, it works just fine.
Clicking Q-reply takes me to the box just fine. Try loggin out, booting your computer, take 2 asprins, and get back to us...
Reboot didn't cure it... I guess I'll just keep clicking the extra couple buttons for now.
Reboot didn't cure it... I guess I'll just keep clicking the extra couple buttons for now.
did you log out and take the aspirin...?
took the asprin, caused me to toss my cookies :wink:

I'm sure it's something to do with my IE settings, or some stupid add-on I picked up someplace.

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