Manos once bubbled...
>> using a rebreather is no more dangerous than diving with nitrox <<
Not quite true. Rebreathers are much more complicate (sic) devices comparing to your regs and tanks. They also need great care and maintenance.
One of your aims is also to simplify equipment Nitrox will Not make
your equipment more complicate.
I do uw photography in wrecks deeper than 50m with average bt. 30-35 minutes. I never used a rebreather unless my subject is marine life. But again start from the basics , do your Nitrox , course learn how to decompress in water if you want to dive deeper and longer .
Nitrox and rebreathers will not take you deeper , you will need
proper training and the use of triox or trimix to acomplish that.
Manos actually got it right by quoting this statement: >>using a rebreather is no more dangerous than diving with nitrox <<
Using a rebreather is just like doing any kind of technical diving. It has its own unique characteristics. It is actually more like flying an airplane than diving in this respect: If you learn to do your pre-flight checks and checklists religiously, check your gauges while you fly (dive), and do your postflight checks and checklists properly, it is no more complicated than any deep-diving task or than utilization of "breathing gases other than air"!
You may not be ready, at your current stage of training, to jump into rebreather use, and I would go with some of the other writers here who have recommended further technical training first. I will just mention, however, that the greatest living underwater photographers now use rebreathers of some variety for their work. They WILL take you deeper, longer, and fish are just FRIENDLIER when you are using a CCR.
Manos forgot to mention that he is a Luddite from the Amish Diving Society, Int'l. (We don't need no stinking machines!) and unfortunately believes that decompression is a race to the surface, which is, of course, a very bad way of looking at the proposition (Reference previous post on this Board by Manos wherein he stated that he laughed at the other divers because he hit the boat ahead of them.) :nono: