Thank y'all for all the replies with so many good points...
I'll answer specifically to this one
You don't have to answer this to me or anyone else except yourself, but how do you know he is very competent? You are a tech student, so maybe you don't actually know what to look for as a method to judge competence yet - so maybe your trust is ill conceived. Why do you think other places wait until they have 3 students? I'll give you a hint - it's not always because they want more money. I would argue that "other people with different characteristics, diving requests, pace, etc." shouldn't pose a problem for you if the instructor is competent. If you are concerned about the small amount of dives included, maybe that tells you something about the instructor / agency. I am also curious about why your "yak" comment about pool? And maybe my cautions are all for not ...
cheers and good luck
Thanks for the points you've raised. I'll try to give you some explanations.
1) About the competent instructor. First of all, this applied to every course, not only tech. But this is not the point. Since I'm taking this seriously, I've spoken with many divers (friends whom I trust, most of them tech divers), and all of them told me that the instructor I'm choosing is the best one. Also, I dove with him several time and I also did the Rescue course with him. Now, I usually don't trust people in general. This guy gave convinced me with his attitude and seriousness in his job to choose him, so I'm confident about him.
2) About the number of students: what I understood is that the number of students is organised in a way that the instructor show how to do it, and the students try it on each others. Again, this is my understanding, and what they told me in the past, during several PADI courses I've completed. Now, I see tech a notch more difficult than other courses, and in my opinion, having an instructor that is 100% on you is a good thing (and this one explain also the other divers pace, etc: when i was doing my advance course -for example- I was pretty good with my buoyancy and air consumption, but we had to finish the dives sometimes after 20 minutes -or even less!!- because other students were already out of air or they had terrible buoyancy. you can read this as a cocky argument, but it is what it is).
3) The concerning about the small amount: all the agencies I've checked have the same amount of dives pretty much. My concern is because with the "advanced level" that tech is, I think that it might requires more dive...
4) Yak in the pool: I'm germophobic, but I'm also pretty blind. I also swim a lot, but of course without my glasses, so I don't see all the disgusting things floating in a pool. When I dive I use masks with correction lenses and I can see very well and very clear. The idea of being in a pool and being able to see all the disgusting human debris makes me yak.
There you go, I hope I was clear enough in my answers