Suggestion Tapatalk forum support for iphone?

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200 - 499
Hey all,

Any chance of supporting something like Tapatalk for easier mobile browsing/posting from the iPhone? It's supposedly no-cost from the board's side.
I'll check it out.

(as soon as the android version is done) mwahhahaha.

No... seriously... I'll play around with it in dev. I may be PMing one of you iphone people.
I checked it out on Android. It looks cool... I'll try to install this tomorrow.
I have it installed ( works too!). Search tapatalk for ScubaBoard

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Wow, only 5 months for a response :D

Thanks Howard, I've been waiting for this.
Some things i dont always see in this forum. I subscribe to it, but site support gets busy sometimes, then I dont notice this forum. :)

I am trying to decide if i like this or my droid browser for sb.

This doesn't have admin functions... but it's not bad.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Wow, only 5 months for a response :D

Thanks Howard, I've been waiting for this.

You just have to be the right person to ask. :eyebrow:


Thanks, Howard, that was fast! :kiss2: I guess it's not super tough to get running, or are you just that cool?

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