tampa area diving ?s

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I need to set up a trip as part of my DM course. I have never dove in or around the Tampa area so this is where I want to go. I will be bringing mostly students and limited experience divers. What does the diving look like in this area? I want the group to experience saltwater on this trip. I figure 2 days on a boat and 1 at a spring on the return trip to AL. What structure is common? What is typical vis? What is the typical depth? Which shop can best handle my needs?

Most of the diving is on artificial reefs ie ships sunk as a reef and ledge diving.
I dived last weekend temp 84 viz 20, quiet a lot of colorful fish angel, baue gregrey and tangs.
Most of the charters will take you out a very short distance about 4-5 mile and do two quick shallow dives 40-45 ft ( low viz ) then back in to take the next lot out.
If you wish to go further out 10-20 mile 60-70 ft then I suggest the Kinda Sorta charter (#727 586 7003, Cap Ed) the down side is it would be six students and your dive master/instructors. There is a web site if you do a search for kinda sorta charters, nice boat 40 searay. I dive with them all the time and hate it when I can-not get booked with them.
All the best let me know how you get on David.
I have dove the gulf coast only a few times. I live in Orlando and can go East or West. East is the gulf stream, clear water, beaucoup fish, wreaks, reefs, shallow or deep dives. West is the Gulf, limited vis, shallow dives, few wreaks or reefs. East are many dive boats, and West are only a few. I'd invest in a couple of extra hours to get to West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach, or even further south to Naples to clearer water. You might want to get a copy of Florida Scuba News, I think their June issue features all of the dive boats in Florida. Phone 904-783-1610 or http://www.scubanews.com. Hope this helps?:bounce:
Hi there,

I live in Tampa.
I never dive here through choice.

This may seem harsh, but I actually did my check out dives here in the gulf. I guess for students it is good to get some training in less than ideal conditions, but it wasn't much fun.

The boat ride we had was one hour fifteen minutes- lots of seasickness, and the vis was 30ft if that. There were few fish and we were lucky to do one of our dives on a wreck of sorts (the barge I think) but it was still not ideal. BTW- this was in Aug and not after any storms.

Having said all that- if your distance is limited, it is good for Students to get experience in saltwater- I feel I became a better diver because of that- If I can do my mask removal and clear at the same time as throwing up then I can do anything!!!!

Email me if you want any specifics on charters(there are not many) - oh and the spring dives are good.


What part of AL are you in? I am 12 miles south of Geneva, 7 miles from Vortex springs. www.vortexspring.com and 20 from Morrison. I have dove all of the Florida springs open for OW divers. I think that these two are the best.

I have been certified since 74 and an instructor. I would not recommend tampa. It is claimed that the diving in the Panama City Beach area is second only to the keys. The St Andrews jetties and Shell Island can be a good, cheap, shore dive for students. If you want to spend money, there are a lot of good charters.

If any of your people want to get together and dive, have them contact me.

Which agency are you DM for? I have not heard of a DM course requiring the candidate to plan a trip,.....expecially with students to unfamiler waters??? How will you get through the briefing??
I guess it will be Panama City and the springs. It is just if I have to dive Panama City again I will have to marry that damn Black Bart. I know almost every wreck and bridge span off Panama City by heart (especially Black Bart) and was just lookin for something new. I guess I was being selfish. I should have these people in water that I know well if somethin were to happen. I wasn’t concerned about vis that much because in B’ham we use a limestone quarry that averages about 15’ and last weekend got down to about 4’ but so much more could happen in open water I need to know what to expect. Thanks for bringing my sanity back

I dove Bart once, in 99.

When do you plan to have your trip?

What part of AL are you coming from?

The weather has not been the best for the gulf lately. A couple of days ago th mid section of FL got 17 inches of rain in two days.

Destin has some great diving as well.

You can always get out in the gulf, if you have sea legs. Some of those old rig tenders the operators use bob like corks. Students may be likely to be sick and scared when it is time to get into the water.

What type of students are you taking out? A lot of those site are 80'.

It is good to plan the springs as a back up.

Vortex allows night diving.

Morrison will allow night diving as well. You must call Dennis, 850 836 4223, and make sure that they will be open. When it rains the river overflows into the spring. Bringing a lot of tannin, making it undiveable.

If some of your people have small boats, the mill spring run of springs may be nice for them.

The jetties at St Andrews or Destin need to be dove at high, slack tide. You would need to plan your trip around the schedule. St Andrews are accesible from the beach at the park, $5 diver fee. Destin Jetties only by boat. This will give you the tide table info for St ANdrews as well as others. http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/tides03/...thh=-1&thm=31&tlh=-2&tlm=02&hh=*1.00&hl=*1.00

This will give youinfo on St Andrews state park http://www.floridaparks.com/stprks/north_west/st_andrews.htm

This will give you Pnama City Beach cams http://chateau-motel.com/cam/

Diving info for Panama City Beach and operators http://www.florida-scuba.com/panama.htm#Shops

If your close enough, perhaps you can pop down and we can do some dives together before your trip.

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