
Click & drag to select the number of rows and columns you want in your table.
There are times when a table is required in a post to communicate the information you need. The Insert table tool makes a complex task fairly simple:
Fill in the cells like you would in a spreadsheet or word processing program. Click on a cell on the top row and this menu will pop. Click the Header icon to insert and format the row.
Most formatting options are available like Bold, Italics, Underline, alignment, and text size. Clicking on a cell makes this menu pop where you can add rows and columns.
This will give you an idea what it can look like after you fill it out and before you post the message.
The Tables function includes a number of editing tools:
- Table Header, example was inserted in this example
- Remove Table
- Row menu
- Insert row above
- Insert row below — you can also add a new row at the end of the table by pressing the Tab key when in the last cell of the table.
- Delete row
- Column menu
- Insert column before
- Insert column after
- Delete column
Varying Column Widths
Column widths will be equal width when inserted but will vary to accommodate the contents. The contents will first widen and narrow as required and will cause contents to wrap to multiple lines when the total width required exceeds the total width available.
Copy & Paste Tables from other Programs
You can copy and paste the table into the message editor window when it already exists in a spreadsheet or word processing program. Some formatting may be omitted that the messaged editor does not support. You can overcome that limitation by capturing the image of a table in another program, like the image below captured from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Related FAQs:
Symbols, Formulas, & Complex Tables
Screen Capture Tools
Use Report to correct broken links, typos, or make suggestions.