Table Rock Lake May 6 - 7

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Anyone interested in diving Table Rock next weekend? There are two of us so far, always more welcome. Might even do a night dive on Friday night. Definately do one on Saturday night.

We'll be staying at the Table Rock Inn. Diver friendly place. They let you leave you things in the room past check out time if you are going to dive the day of check out so you can come back and clean up. Good food too.

If you have a boat bring it, I'm sure we'd be happy to pitch in on gas.
Mike from Aqua F/X has on his calendar to go to Beaver lake that weekend. If you haven't had a dive there, I'd suggest getting with Mike and going with him. Here's the link to his calendar:

I'd be up for it, but I've got finals the next 2 weeks.
We'll be staying at the Table Rock Inn. Diver friendly place. They let you leave you things in the room past check out time if you are going to dive the day

Maybe they treat you better than me, but they've never let me stay past checkout time. They invited me to stay at the restaurant but I had to leave the room. I think it may depend on how busy they are.

Good place however and they are friendly to divers, nice rates and they don't mess with your room at all unless you ask them to. The best part is it's a stones throw from Dewey Short.
Mike from Aqua F/X has on his calendar to go to Beaver lake that weekend. If you haven't had a dive there, I'd suggest getting with Mike and going with him. Here's the link to his calendar:

I'd be up for it, but I've got finals the next 2 weeks.

I will be down at Beaver Lake this weekend with the KC Dive Shop working on my AOW dives.

Enjoy your diving this weekend. Hope the weather stays nice for you.

If your instructor knows where the bus is by the "steps", it's worth a dive, just to get a giggle out of the for sale sign in front of it and the bbq grill on the roof. Should be @ 30 degrees from the stairs. There's an anchor line tied to the front of it for about 20ft (lenght) or so.

Also, we dove on the cliff, so if you go there, be fully aware that it dropps off very quickly to 60+ feet.

One little tip to make sure you have a good dive: be sure to keep neutral and don't kick on the bottom. Once the silt gets stirred up, it's difficult to see for a few minutes. Muckety Muck.

Again, enjoy the dive. It's a pretty nice place so far, only had 1 day there though.

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