Table Rock Dive 11/23/2005

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Reaction score
Ozark, MO
# of dives
50 - 99
Did a dive Wednesday @ Table Rock (Jake's Point). The vis was 8 to 10 feet and the water was 55 degrees at the surface. Saw a couple of big mouth bass and a very large catfish that I followed for a little while. After I hit 78 ft it turned dark but I did the dive @ 2:30 PM. Luckly I figured that it would get dark and I had my secondary light and used it. It was a good dive and I enjoyed getting wet. The lake is way down and I was surprised at how far down.


P.S. Might be going 11/25/2005 with my dive buddy. Have to get wet and get my dives and practice up.
Last time I dove Jake's it had to be nearly the worst vis I've seen there. The best was the enchanted forest. As you get closer to 90 feet things do get darker no matter where you are, but still it's great vis for around here.

What I noticed was poor vis at first, then under the thermocline it gets better and then as you get deeper it gets worse again.
Yeah, it was a lot better than the last time we went. Until the 78 ft mark then it went dark. It was 8 - 10 ft vis all the way down 78 then it was murky with about 1 to 2 foot vis all the way to 126 ft. :) I wanted to try out my new computer and new saftey stop dive bag.

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