Suunto Gekko reverted to Air and nearly ruined my day

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Aeris computers (or at least the Atmos Pro) retain the nitrox mix if you have "FO2 Default OFF " selected.
Note taken. Thank you.

Shearwater computers retain all mixes until changed manually.
I'm not familiar with the brand.

I have found that reading the manual helps................................
TBH at the people saying he should not have shared a computer.....he didnt really share.

He actually followed his own computers times for the deco stop. Ok he became a decompression diver (yes i know that all dive are decompression dives before any techies point it out)

Yes he could have aborted as following rules for computer failure

Yes you should have had a rough idea in your head of your max bottom time having worked it out on your computer first before diving, so that in the event of you computer going **** up you still knew your dive plan and could have dived that (ideally written on a slate but just in your mind of X depth for X time max is enough)

And Yes you should have not "ignored" the last 10 minutes of deco

But then you didnt ask what you should have done, you posted to warn others to RTFM about their dive computers and wrote how it happened and how you handled it in your ratinally way. It may not have been the right way to many of us and we would not advise any one else to do it this way. But you came out safe and sound with a lesson learned.

Thanks for telling
H2Ohm, I think that it is sage advice to not share computers. IF I were an instructor, I'd certainly teach that to my students. Just as a physician, I give health advice that is more conservative than what I might practice in my own life. However in this case, my buddy and I had the same number of dives; his profiles were slightly more aggressive than mine had been on our 3 previous dives together. So his computer had a bit more nitrogen loading than mine and our final dive was a relatively shallow (by NC standards) 60 foot dive with no deco. I knew that I was being ultra cautious with my deco on my first dive of that day, as I did more than twice what was required for the nitrox mix I was diving (though still not enough for 21% as the computer was calculating the dive). The issue in my mind was whether to stay in the water an extra 10 minutes hanging on the line and inconvenience the 20 folks on the boat in order to satisfy the computer, though I knew I had done way more than enough deco at that point. I had plenty of air but decided it wasn't right to make every one else keep waiting, at this point my dive time was at 68 minutes. But again, I agree with your advice to not share computers and not ignore your own computer and would not advocate any others follow my example on this dive. In the end though it was a great dive.

You could have surfaced for tem minutes set you computer to you mix the finished your dive. I agree with you last comment and that what I said earlier.Also you would have enjoyed the dive more.
My Vyper will stay in Nitrox mode but will reset to 21% I believe after 24 hours. I've had something VERY similar happen in Fiji. My GF forgot to set hers to the 32% we were diving and when I saw her puzzled underwater looking at her Vyper, I looked. It didn't take me long to realize that she had not set it to 32% and put her into deco. We did almost the same thing handben, we did the safety stop from hell. After a while, we surfaced and her computer beeped all over the place. I let her use our backup Gekko with a very stern lesson to both of us to make SURE we have it set correctly.
There is a certain time that can elapse before the Suuntos reset to 21% (I think it's 24 hours, but it may be shorter).

My Vyper will stay in Nitrox mode but will reset to 21% I believe after 24 hours.
The Vyper and Gekko reset to 21% in 2 hours. The Vyper2 does not reset automatically. On the D9, if you set MIX2 to something over 21%, whatever setting you have in MIX1 will not revert to the default 21% value. Of course you still have to adjust your mix to the extent that it varies with each tank, but if you neglect to do so the error will probably be be greatly diminished, and if your mix doesn't change no adjustment is necessary, even if you go months between dives.
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In fact most (all?) computers do. Does anybody know of one that doesn't? I would be interested to read about it.

I've got a Galileo Sol and i can tell it to wait anywhere between 1 hour to 48 hours before resetting to 21% or i can tell it not to reset. the default if your curious is no reset
Tell me more about the tables you use. I see you are a TDI and GUE diver. Which tables do you find best for you and why? Have you ever had an SPG implode due to depth pressure?

Sorry for the delayed reply, I was offline all week.

I use Vplanner.
After reading the initial post its the users fault entirely. Not RTFM. Well known that Suuntos and other brands will revert to air after a specific time surface interval. Its a safety thing - better that than have someone diving on air the next day with the computer calculating for EAN36 or something.

Moral of this story is always do your predive checks properly. Part of those is checking the gas you are breathing and checking the instruments are aware of this.
Not to beat a dead horse String, but I would take exception to your statement that it is "Well known that Suuntos and other brands will revert to air after a specific time surface interval." It might have been well known to you; but if it were "well known" as you say, then I would have known it before the incident and it would have never happened. The whole point of my post was to try to make it more well known so others wouldn't have their dives messed up. Clearly this won't happen to me again, but I do still believe that it is strange to have the planning stage show numbers for a nitrox dive; and then revert to air when one jumps in. But hey, now I know that it does that; hopefully others will learn from my mistake and it will be "well known" by a few more.

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