Suunto Dive Manager - Importing Old data

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I have been using the Suunto Dive Manager 1.4 software on my PC for some time now. Orginally I had a Suunto Cobra but have since changed over to a Suunto VyTek with the Mosquito as my backup.

Since starting out with the Vytek, I wanted to have a fresh data file. The only problem with this situation is trying to import the previous Cobra Data into this new Vytek File. IMPORT DOES NOT WORK. I looks like its working, but nothing ever imports into the new dive manager file for the Vytek.

The data file format should be similar ( I would hope). There are obvious changes because of the RGBM percentage.

Anyone else out there have this problem and possibly found a workaround?

Maybe Suunto never meant to have someone with different computers use the same data file. :(

Thanks in advance.

Why import the old data into a new file? Just make a copy of the old file, change the name, edit anything you like, and start adding the Vytec data.

Am I missing something??


First, I could not get the Vytek data to load in the Cobra file.

Second, WHY dont the IMPORT function work? :wink:

To import a logbook file:

1. From the main menu, click File, then Import,
2. Select one of three file types:

Suunto Dive Log Logbook files created by Suunto Dive Log for Windows, the software for the Solution, Eon, Solution Alpha, Solution Nitrox, and Solution Vario computers. Its logbook file names have the extension .LBK as in MyDives.LBK

ACW Dive Log Logbook files created by ACW Dive Log for Windows, the software for the Spyder computer. Its logbook file names have the extension .LCW as in MyDives.LCW
Profile Memory file Temporary file created by Suunto Dive Manager during a data transfer from a dive computer. Dive manager creates a different file for each model of dive computer. File names are always PROFILE, but each with a unique name extension corresponding to the model of dive computer downloaded:

PROFILE.SOA Solution Alpha
PROFILE.SNV Solution Nitrox or Solution Vario
PROFILE.VPR All dive computers released after 1998
Dive Manager overwrites the PROFILE file during every transfer from the same model of dive computer. For example, PROFILE.SNV exists until the next transfer from a Solution Nitrox or Solution Vario. Transferring a Spyder leaves PROFILE.SNV unchanged.

Imported Profile Memory files must have the name extension corresponding to the dive computer model. For example, all files containing data from a Spyder must end in .ACW

3. Select the desired file from the file dialog.
4. Click the Open button to import the selected file.

Dive Manager merges the selected import file into the currently open logbook. The import procedure applies duplicate checking and the ignore list to the import file.
The help file shows the types of files which may be imported. They are all old logbook files (lbk or acw) or profile files. I believe that Cobra files are type sdl which does not appear to be on this list.

Thanks Ralph!

Amazing what you find in the documentation. Get to close to see the trees in the forest sometimes.

Just wish they supported import from SDL files.

My Vyper file is also a .sdl file.

Can you just change the computer type under the Transfer menu option and import the Vytec data into the Cobra logbook? It does ask you if you want to change computer types on the Settings option.


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