Sunshine Coast divers

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Reaction score
Hope B.C.
# of dives
500 - 999
I'm looking for someone to dive the Sunshine Coast with me this Saturday. It seems that r2t, sschlessi and Vince have lives that include things other than diving. Any Scubaboard members live on the Coast, or anyone on this side care to carpool over with me?
I am a displaced Canadian living and diving in Sydney Australia
I remember reading in the British Columbia magazine about a mermaid sculpture sunken off the coast for diving do you know anything about this.. location, name so I can research it and show it to my Aussie diving friends.
I get interesting reactions to my Canadian Dive shirt with the scuba diving moose on it
The mermaid sculpture is a Powell River dive. I havn't done it yet but will be in the area early next month, if we do that dive I'll let you know how it was. A Google search brings up pics.
I am a displaced Canadian living and diving in Sydney Australia
I remember reading in the British Columbia magazine about a mermaid sculpture sunken off the coast for diving do you know anything about this.. location, name so I can research it and show it to my Aussie diving friends.
I get interesting reactions to my Canadian Dive shirt with the scuba diving moose on it

She's in Saltery Bay just north and a small ferry trip from Sechelt. I did a night dive there when they had the Sweet Sixteen birthday party. The artist is Simon Morris BRONZE SCULPTURE Simon Morris - Salt Spring Island underwater Marine Mermaid in bronze - whales - mermaids

Here are some pics I took.



The mermaid sculpture is a Powell River dive. I havn't done it yet but will be in the area early next month, if we do that dive I'll let you know how it was. A Google search brings up pics.

No if...we are doing that dive or at least I'm doing that dive....that's one I have wanted to do for years now.

In case anyone want directions here's how to find the Mermaid. We had the wrong directions when we dove it but got lucky and found it.

Swim out to the anchor buoy you can see as a small dot in the photo just on the other side of the point. From the base of the anchor head out at 155 deg. for about 50 feet. The Mermaid is in 65ft of water at high tide.
Thanks guys, It's cool talking to canadians too bad I don't get to hear the accent! I lived in the lower mainland for 5 years. The only dive I did there was Chanaman's Bay near where my brother lives in Pt Albernie. COLD water temp was 8 and it was my first and only drysuit dive.
My friends here think I am crazy because I dive in a polarfleece lined lycra with about 2 MM protection in the summer here. I only have to carry 4 lb of weight and it is so free. When water temps get lower than 17 and ambient temps drop I go to the 5 mil wetsuit but hate that.

We dive most weekends through the summer. Some mid week dives and in winter bed is more liekly to win over diving. I have a digital camera and have got some interesting shots of sharks mating, lionfish eating another fish, turtles and pygmy Pipehorses last weekend. I miss my family and friends there but life here is good and the diving is great. Trying to decide right now where we are going for a dive holiday to the tropics.
Thanks for the info on the mermaid I will pas your pics and the link on to my friends here
deepdiverbc, looks like you had the perfect day from that first pic. Ron, that dive is just a hop, skip and a splash from where we will be staying. FYI, I hooked up with Paul on Saturday, not a Scubaboarder, and we did Skaikos Point. An excellent wall in the inlet, vertical steep with a number of cavities allmost deep enough to be called caves. Top 30 feet vis was pea soup but below that I'd guess it at 60 feet. The wall was covered with big orange plumose and dozens of chimney sponges. A few smaller cloud sponges and lots of feather stars. At one crack/cave we discovered a sailfin sculpin and spent our safety stop watch a grunt sculpin. Second dive was at Piper Point. Not as steep and far fewer sponges, but a few of the rocky ledges had evidence of octos. Paul found a cool gunnel and a big headed sculpin that neither of us could identify. Anyone interested in the Powell River trip Ron and I are making on the 9th of May feel free to contact me.
do you access thru the campgrounds? is that where to stay? any links?

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