Hey Divers
Ok I have the eeeeevil phone again!!! lol
This last weekend trips were great with GORGEOUS conditions and big flat lake pacific even after the tsunami
We have an open boat scheduled on Friday and its filling up quick Also we have the pleasure of sharing half of express Saturday with The Roddenberry Dive Team as we head off to the oil rigs , and we still have spots available
Also Sundays open boat on express is filling up nicely sooooooo call me at 1800 555 9446 to secure your spot and come dive "The Sundiver Way" with yours truly
All for our low express price of $95 all inclusive 3 tank days WOW! cant beat that
Divemaster Jules
Galleywench extraordinaire haha
Ok I have the eeeeevil phone again!!! lol
This last weekend trips were great with GORGEOUS conditions and big flat lake pacific even after the tsunami
We have an open boat scheduled on Friday and its filling up quick Also we have the pleasure of sharing half of express Saturday with The Roddenberry Dive Team as we head off to the oil rigs , and we still have spots available
Also Sundays open boat on express is filling up nicely sooooooo call me at 1800 555 9446 to secure your spot and come dive "The Sundiver Way" with yours truly
All for our low express price of $95 all inclusive 3 tank days WOW! cant beat that
Divemaster Jules
Galleywench extraordinaire haha