Sunday night mass email keep coming. Why?

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Sunday night mass email keep coming. Why?

Search gives me nothing, so forgive if this is a repeat.

Every Sunday night ScubaBoard sends me about 40 e-mails (about updates to subscribed threads) and I don't know why.
It's because you've subscribed to weekly updates for some threads you've recently posted in. A list of them can be found here: - set the ones you no longer wish to receive to none. (check the box and select an option from the dropdown menu near the bottom of the window)

It's also possible that your default setting is to Subscribe to New Threads when you post in them, you can change that here: in the Messaging/Notification section.
Holy heck that was easy.

The only thing that is not easy is unsubscribing to 400 threads.
The only thing that is not easy is unsubscribing to 400 threads.
Select them all (on each page) and select the appropriate type...


Don't forget to click [Go].
Hi El Orans, I've done the no e-mail notification thing and I'm still getting them.

Plus my edit options page has no "go" button, I'm guessing that's the e-mail subscription page you've put in your example?

Damn, you mean I have to click on each of 538 threads, then hit GO, but page by page over 38 pages...?

Not the best use of my time.
Subscribed Threads still has a "Go" button.

Have you done all existing thread subscriptions or just changed the setting for your future thread subscriptions?
Manually I changed 38 pages of all existing thread subscriptions. Was hoping that I could do all by hitting GO at the end, not by having to enter GO on each page.

So, now I hope that I don't get any more e-mail notifications..

Question, if I read or post in a thread, does it automatically get listed in thread subscriptions?

Not when reading a thread.

Posting can get you a subscription depending on your Default Thread Subscription Mode settings.
When you post a new thread, or reply to a topic, you can choose to automatically add that thread to your list of subscribed threads, with the option to receive email notification of new replies to that thread.
Also, you may have forum subscriptions. If you have them, you can find them in your User CP. Forum subscriptions can have daily or weekly notifications.
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Thanks, I've been meaning to figure out how to stop the e-mails as well

I saw in User CP there is an 'e-mail opt out' option - I chose the 'stop all e-mails' option, hopefully that will do the trick

I will now no longer get the newsletter, but I couldn't be bothered manually unchecking all the threads

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