Yeah...I found out carbonated stuff isn't great for the bones when I fell. I tore my ACL and broke my wrist. The ortho guy read me the riot act about soda. Now it's fruit juices, Tang or generics like it (we have all flavors of that stuff including a fabulous erry flavor), high calcium augmented milk, tea (iced or hot), etc.
You describe liquados that are common here. There's a liquado stand two blocks from my house with about 30 different flavor combinations - it's cheaper at 90 cents - to buy one than it is to make them! LOL. They augment the liquados here with a little bit of infant rice cereal - it boosts the vitamin content. If I make one at home, I use high calcium milk plus a couple of tablespoonsful of powdered milk.
Also, freeze ALL of the fruit, not just the banana.