This is another inaccuracy in the charges, one that I have been patiently waiting to be corrected.
Immediately after this incident became public, I was contacted privately by someone who had worked with Debbie Snow in the past, in another dive operation in another state. He said she seemed to be an OK instructor and was surprised to see her acting as she did in this case. I was hoping that this person would eventually provide this background. I don't know much more about this than I just wrote.
My point in bringing this up relates to what I believe to be the purpose of the misinformation, as seen by some of the responses in this thread. The implication is that her actions were reflective of her performance in the supposedly recent instructor certification examination, as if it is not possible for someone to perform well while being watched by examiners and then do something different when not being watched. For example, I am pretty sure that people who pass the tests to get a driver's license do not arrive drunk and drive 100 MPH during the test. For some reason, when a drunk drives 100 MPH and causes an accident, we do not blame the person who gave the test and issued the license.
As a studier of human behavior as I know you are, there is no doubt in my mind that you are aware of the concept, and probably more than aware of Normalization of Deviance.
Who could possibly understand what goes through the mind of someone else, but I think you reinforce my point.
I was a Navy Nuke. There has never been a reactor accident in the Navy, incredible when you figure that they take 17 year old high school graduates, train them for a year and a half, and send them out on a submarine or aircraft carrier and give them the keys to the reactor and tell them to have a good time.
Why don’t they toast reactors? A high level of training, an installation of personal reliability, and continuous oversight of both the personal reliability program and reactor training.
Guess what is missing from any instructor membership process? They get adequate training, even excellent depending on their CD/ITE. That’s where the path diverges though. As an instructor and member for 21 years with 3 years broken membership, but with continuous membership with other agencies, no one ever observed me teach. No one ever evaluated me actually interact with a student. No one attempted to instill any kind of personal reliability. Either you had it or you didn’t. No one ever required me to demonstrate that I was a good instructor.
I gave up instructing for a number of reasons, but lost faith in the instructional system (I hesitate to name names here because as you rightfully pointed out, they are all the same) is the main reason. If I am an OWSI, I am judged by all of the OWSI’s, including you, Debbie Snow, and the man on the moon with an instructor card. If my training agency cares so little for my reputation that they aren’t going to provide any oversight and evaluation of any instructor until a QA is filed, well, that isn’t an organization I want to be a part of. Not only that, I will heartily encourage everyone else I know not to be a part of that process as well, because the process isn’t worth my time, or the time of the folks I care about.
And so I’m not.