What are your preferences? Hotel room/condo/house? In/near/far from town? On/near/far from water? Price point? The options are endless. Our 'normal' is a 1 bedroom at Buddy Dive. Truck rental included. Great house reef for 24/7 access. Almost equidistant between Northern and Southern sites. 6 boat dives - yes boats can be a bit crowded, but its a big reef - spread out people! (We tend to hang at the back of the pack). Breakfast included, lunch in room, dinner split between cooking in/dining out. Opportunity to meet other divers - or not. Multiple restaurants within walking distance. 5 minute drive to town or a couple mile walk.
You can arrange tanks or boat dive with just about anyone, most are happy for customers. There are also a couple concierge dive services if you want a guide for off the beaten path, park sites or to situate you to shore diving. Habitat, Capt Don, Buddy, Sand Dollar, Den Lamen all within the same 3/4 mile stretch, all mid level resorts - not 5 star, but clean comfortable, waterfront, AC. All have websites that are accurate as far as amenities and accommodations. In town there are plenty of condos from ground floor to penthouse chic. South of town Divi, Bruce Bowkers Carib Inn and The Plaza. South of the airport Bellafonte and Belmar. Harbour Village probably the most exclusive of the resorts. Off the water (often just across the street) options are endless and less expensive. There are also smaller boutique accommodations along the water, some of them Euro style (think W Hotels). Just depends on your taste and wallet.
This is by no means an all inclusive list, I've been to almost all the above and I would stay in any. Whatever you do, bring the bug spray, dive a lot, have fun!
You can arrange tanks or boat dive with just about anyone, most are happy for customers. There are also a couple concierge dive services if you want a guide for off the beaten path, park sites or to situate you to shore diving. Habitat, Capt Don, Buddy, Sand Dollar, Den Lamen all within the same 3/4 mile stretch, all mid level resorts - not 5 star, but clean comfortable, waterfront, AC. All have websites that are accurate as far as amenities and accommodations. In town there are plenty of condos from ground floor to penthouse chic. South of town Divi, Bruce Bowkers Carib Inn and The Plaza. South of the airport Bellafonte and Belmar. Harbour Village probably the most exclusive of the resorts. Off the water (often just across the street) options are endless and less expensive. There are also smaller boutique accommodations along the water, some of them Euro style (think W Hotels). Just depends on your taste and wallet.
This is by no means an all inclusive list, I've been to almost all the above and I would stay in any. Whatever you do, bring the bug spray, dive a lot, have fun!