Suggestion Sub-forum under general travel

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Texas Girl

Texas Girl

Reaction score
central Texas
# of dives
200 - 499
I would love to see a forum specifically for families who have children who are not divers. It is difficult to find a place that offers a children's program that runs at the same time as the dives, or has a reasonable babysitting service. There is not a place that I am aware of that this topic is specifically addressed. Putting it in a separate forum would make it easier to find than looking through each regional forum. I have tried doing a search for children and program, and not gotten appropriate results. I realize that we are a small group, but I would appreciate a place to discuss the issue of diving with small children.
The problem isn't getting feedback about a specific place. The problem is finding out which places even have a children's program or babysitting. For example, the people at Blackbird Caye provided a babysitter. I could post a trip report. Later, someone wants to go anywhere that provides a babysitter. Doing a search won't necessarily show my trip report as one of the few appropriate responses, you tend to get a lot of other responses that you have to weed your way through. What keyword would you use to get a useful result: child, children, childrens, children's, program, babysitting, babysitter, etc., it is hard to narrow down.

Another example: the Hyatt in Grand Cayman is supposed to have a wonderful children's program. Problem is, it starts about an hour after most dive boats leave, making it useless for diving parents. Most parents wouldn't even think to ask ahead of time what time the program starts, finding out too late once they get there. I learned this one the hard way myself at a resort in St. Kitts on our first dive trip.

I realize that I am in a very small group of people concerned with this issue. Scubaboard is in a unique position to serve this group by providing a separate forum. I would be happy to provide trip reports on the places that we have been. I don't have non-diving family members any more that could travel with us to provide child care, so this will continue to be an issue for me for several more years, until we can get my daughter on the dive boat. :)

Also, when you mention diving and small children, you tend to get responses about how small children should stay at home, shouldn't be on planes or at dive resorts, parents are irresponsible for taking them places they won't enjoy or remember. It would be nice to have a safe place to talk about it.

Thanks for listening.
It is a good idea - lots of merit. The problem with sub forums can be that good threads get over looked in them, sometimes the sub forums just do not get the traffic.

Another approach, for now: Start a new thread - well titled - in General Travel. Maybe Children Programs During Diving...? Convey your experiences and ask for others - good & bad. If that catches on, then maybe the sub forum could be reconsidered. Even if not, it could be beneficial - especially to members who run searches. :search:

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