If you can still get the PT-016 somewhere (it is discontinued) the camera should work underwater. Downside is that unless I'm misreading the specs, you can only shoot in auto and program modes, no manual. Generally, for underwater pics, it's best to be able to choose your own settings. If the camera has shutter or aperture priority modes, that gives you at least some control. You can shoot UW with just about anything that has a housing available, but whether they'll be good shots is another question entirely. My other concern would be that you're not certified yet. New divers have more than enough to think about without having to worry about taking pictures. I'd recommend getting about 30 dives under your belt before you start taking distractions diving with you. You need to be absolutely comfortable underwater, and with the location and use of your diving gear before you start thinking about anything else. That said, if all you're interested in is a couple of close-up snapshots of your dive buddies or a fish or two, you can probably get them with your S-410. If you plan to take extensive photos, I'd use the stylus topside and invest in a close-out SP-350 ($179) and Oly PT-030 housing (about $200) This is about as cheap as you can get into a quality UW photography rig that will give you the versatility you want for a variety of shooting, and it will grow with you. Frankly, you'll be bleeding money anyway as you are taking up a very expensive sport. Figure on about $2-4000 worth or eqpt. for diving-and yes, though rentals are available, you'll definitely want your own stuff.