There's hunting and fishing, and then there's what passes for same: Spearfishing for one's food, a sustainable species and not wasting, it's pretty much a primordial human endeavor modified to today's reality. "Spearfishing" a pair of friendly wolf eels in Monterey Bay and tossing their bodies in a dumpster, moronic stupidity. Fishing sustainably, adding to the world's protein supply; government subsidized mega-trawlers tearing through the coral and other life-sustaining bottom, moronic cupidity. Wild caught Alaska salmon, yummy and responsibly caught; "Chilean sea bass" (actually Patagonian toothfish), unless from South Georgia islands, a falsely marketed and unsustainable fish that takes ages to reproduce, moronic and avaricious.
These days, I "hunt" with a camera, but if others choose to hunt or fish - as long as they are doing so responsibly, unless I become vegan, I would feel hypocritical remonstrating. What we need to be aware of is that some species are in danger, and with others, if we "trophyize" our hunt, we kill off those best able to reproduce and add to the species pool (e.g. groupers).