Hi all,
I've lived in or visited a lot of places with bad drivers (Mexico, Thailand, etc.) but having spent the last year in Ankara, the Turkish take all prizes. I saw at least one wreck per week on the 5 km drive to work. Here are the most common ones I saw:
1. You regularly see someone driving on the wrong side of major roads. If they're entering a divided road and can't turn left, they just drive down the wrong side. I saw several head-on collisions on divided boulevards. Very common to see two-way traffic on BOTH sides of the median. Can be very interesting if the median stops, and the road goes back to undivided.
2. Cruising down the highway, if they miss their turn they just hit the brakes and throw it in reverse. Doesn't matter what might be coming up behind. I came off the highway doing about 45km on a blind exit ramp and some bright individual was backing back down the ramp. Guess he didn't want to exit after all... Good thing I wasnt exiting at normal Turkish speeds.
3. Turning right from the inside lane of a three-lane road, without checking who's beside you or in your blind spot. Just wait 'til the last minute and crank the wheel. Very common sight.
4. Not driving related, but indicative. You may have heard that during the big elections last year in Istanbul. Whoever was responsible for inflating several hundred balloons evidently couldnt find (or maybe couldnt afford) helium so used hydrogen. Guess he never heard of the Hindenburg. Best guess is that someone popped one of the balloons with a cigarette...
If there are Turkish listening, I apologize if I have offended, but you guys really need to learn common driving practices and courtesies used by the rest of the world if you expect to benefit from all your outstanding tourist opportunities. I dont blame individuals for not obeying your laws when so many of you dont even know them, and no one is held accountable to them.
I've lived in or visited a lot of places with bad drivers (Mexico, Thailand, etc.) but having spent the last year in Ankara, the Turkish take all prizes. I saw at least one wreck per week on the 5 km drive to work. Here are the most common ones I saw:
1. You regularly see someone driving on the wrong side of major roads. If they're entering a divided road and can't turn left, they just drive down the wrong side. I saw several head-on collisions on divided boulevards. Very common to see two-way traffic on BOTH sides of the median. Can be very interesting if the median stops, and the road goes back to undivided.
2. Cruising down the highway, if they miss their turn they just hit the brakes and throw it in reverse. Doesn't matter what might be coming up behind. I came off the highway doing about 45km on a blind exit ramp and some bright individual was backing back down the ramp. Guess he didn't want to exit after all... Good thing I wasnt exiting at normal Turkish speeds.
3. Turning right from the inside lane of a three-lane road, without checking who's beside you or in your blind spot. Just wait 'til the last minute and crank the wheel. Very common sight.
4. Not driving related, but indicative. You may have heard that during the big elections last year in Istanbul. Whoever was responsible for inflating several hundred balloons evidently couldnt find (or maybe couldnt afford) helium so used hydrogen. Guess he never heard of the Hindenburg. Best guess is that someone popped one of the balloons with a cigarette...
If there are Turkish listening, I apologize if I have offended, but you guys really need to learn common driving practices and courtesies used by the rest of the world if you expect to benefit from all your outstanding tourist opportunities. I dont blame individuals for not obeying your laws when so many of you dont even know them, and no one is held accountable to them.