Based on expense and fragility, the zipper is probably the most important consideration in how to store your drysuit.
The New Zipper Company, Ltd (who makes BDM drysuit zippers) has recommendations for care and storage.
sealed zipper care
They recommend storing with the zipper OPEN and, if rolled up, with the zipper on the OUTside of the roll.
Otherwise, drysuit latex seals are probably the next most expensive and fragile component. Reducing the latex seals' exposure to ozone will probably help extend their life. One easy way is to store the suit in a plastic bag.
Also, washing them with soap and water before storage is very helpful, followed by dusting with unscented talc (caveat: note my conflict of interest....).
I usually store my rolled up drysuit in a nylon gym bag, but in the winter, when there might be a few weeks between dives, I put it in a plastic bag. I just roll it face down, starting with the feet, so the zipper ends up on the outside of the roll.
Hanging the suit draped over a closet rod is fine. One thing I'd avoid is hanging it on shoulder hangers which might create stress points on the shoulder seams. At least that's the rumor I've heard....
Dave C