Stopped by to say my first hello.

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Originally posted by Dee
Welcome! Watch out for Syrrus and Butch...there's something wrong with those boys! :loopy:

Sure Dee go and tell the world, you forgot to add what great guys we are and how much we enjoy getting picked on hehehehe


Welcome to ScubaBoard the best place to spend a few hours reading about darn near everything scuba related and even some not so related.

Feel free to step in and ask questions anytime as there is a wealth of information here to get them answered. And it is usually in hours unlike some forums where it could be 2 weeks before it is read!

You'll not find a better bunch of pond scum anywhere in the known Galaxy!
Originally posted by Terry Gardner
Hey Syruss,

Unless I have forgotten my biology, doesn't pond scum float on the surface alot? <g>

This is correct which is why in scuba proper weighting is so important. There is a simple formula that can be used to calculate this.

(((((BodyMass * Cellulite Conntent)-Muscle^2)/BoneDensity)*pi)+boyancyCompensationForWetsuit+6)

See how easy it is to sink us!

BTW: Unfortunately I think Terry will fit in here just fine hehehee
This last one for the morning is to say thank you all for the many warm welcomes.

You're right. All beach and no water. Just stick around for a few million years until Los Angeles drifts north and we will have ocean front property just outside of Yuma. te he

thanks again everyone

Welcome, Terry
You've found the best dive board- for serious advice and ludicrous (meant in a nice way) humor.
It's almost like an SI on a boat.
Welcome and good luck,

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