Starting a New Team, need help.

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Our dept. is looking at starting a new dive team. I'm trying to gather information to present to the brass as far as need, funding options, what dept's. our size have teams and how they are utilized. We have a dept. of about 90 officers, so i'm looking at talking to some of the team members were there are from 90 to 250 officers. If anyone could or would help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.
where are you located? what sort of team? how large an area? I live in Montreal am MSDT and have EMT training with DAN instructor as that what you are looking for? I have contacts here as well...
You should try a forum search here, there have been many threads on this topic. Look over a few of those and come back with any specific questions you may have.
IADRS has a booklet with information on how to start a dive team. is their site. A call will probably get you a copy. Good information, which is re-enforced with info from this site.

Good luck!
I've got a fairly large document about this. If you send me your e-mail I'll send you a copy.

We're about a 150 member full time FD so we could be similar in some ways. Ask away...
The IADRS has a booklet with information on how to start a dive team. is their site. A call will probably get you a copy. Good information, which is re-enforced with info from this site.

If you are interested in obtaining the manual "How to start a dive team," one can be sent to you at no charge. Please call the International Association of Dive Rescue Specialists ( at 800-IADRS-911 or reply with you name and address and agency name (if applicable).


Blades Robinson, Executive Director
International Association of Dive Rescue Specialists

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