This is just out of curiosity as I see UTD and GUE use a lot of standard gases and label deco gases by MOD.
When you label MOD what ppO2 are you using for it in DIR? 1.6 or 1.4 or something else?
So for 50% would MOD be 70 (ft) or?
I am assuming it is 1.6 and
50% - 70
80% - 30 (not even sure this is a standard gas)
100% - 20
Just trying to understand things bit better. Slowly
When you label MOD what ppO2 are you using for it in DIR? 1.6 or 1.4 or something else?
So for 50% would MOD be 70 (ft) or?
I am assuming it is 1.6 and
50% - 70
80% - 30 (not even sure this is a standard gas)
100% - 20
Just trying to understand things bit better. Slowly