The wind died down this morning so Merry and I rushed to Golf Ball Reef. The ocean was flat but the top ten feet was near zero vis. Visibility on the reef was worse than yesterday but Merry made a find that made it all worth it. On the side of a rock was a 1/4" Thordisa bimaculata. I had only seen one before and that was eleven years ago.
The rest of the dive seemed anticlimactic despite all the mating and egg laying going on. We considered a second dive but the wind came up just a few minutes after I surfaced. An hour after we got in the wind was howling. We made a good call.
The rest of the dive seemed anticlimactic despite all the mating and egg laying going on. We considered a second dive but the wind came up just a few minutes after I surfaced. An hour after we got in the wind was howling. We made a good call.