Spring Dive Sat 21st or Sun 22nd

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My daughter and I are considering a Spring Dive this weekend for some practice and to test our my new strobe. Anyone interested in a nice easy dive somewhere??
Yes. I am new to Florida. I have only been here for 7 weeks. I have not yet been out to dive. I plan to get in the water somewhere this weekend.

Hopefully somewhere not too far from Gainesville....
Where were you thinking of going?
I understand there are lots of springs around Gainesville.
You are, would be a big help?
I could meet you Saturday.

How about Manatee SP? Its free with a park pass.
I'm up for Manatee Springs this weekend.
Sounds like a good start.
all still going to Manatee?

I was planning to go Troy but my buddy cancelled.
Maybe I can tag along if you are still going.
Mgersch, newbie-in-fl and Wings are meeting at Manatee SP at 10 AM tomorrow (Saturday).

Anyone else is welcome to join us.
Fire all the Weathercasters !!!!!

Despite the fact that it was a beautiful morning drive to Manatee SP for a 10 AM dive, the lightning, thunder and rain started AFTER we donned our wetsuits and just BEFORE we strapped those big metal things to our backs. Thanks to all you weather forecasters who predicted a 40% chance of rain in the AFTERNOON !

Aside from the weather, Setty, Mike and I had a nice day diving at Manatee. Catfish Sink was very dark and gloomy, plus the viz was exteremely poor due to a class of 13 OW students that beat us to it and stirred things up. It was still nice to get wet - although we were wet before, during and after the dive.

After a short SI, we had much better luck with the conditions in the main spring, although we got to watch the raindrops hit the water surface above. (Kinda cool looking, actually). The bad weather kept all the swimmers away and after a smaller class left, we had the main spring to ourselves. It eneded up being a better dive than Catfish Sink. Mike got a good taste of FL spring diving. That vent is fun ! And clear ! Nothing like that in Texas is there, Mike ?

The best part was all 3 of us met a couple of good new diving buddies. Had a nice day with you, two. Hope to do it again, soon - maybe at Troy.

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