The images below are from Dive two - and are presented in two parts:
1) shots with the jelly (here)
2) shots with the escaped mental patient in the sea lion suit (here)
On dive two, one of the first things we came up on was a dead jelly. When a man dies, he falls to the ground. When a roach dies, it rolls over onto its back. When a jelly dies, its bell goes inside out like an umbrella in the wind. Who knew?
I love how her light is reflecting back onto her face from the jelly

I get her no direction, except to point out the jelly and flick it unto the water column. She took over, as all of the best subjects do - just being herself on a tour of discovery of this wacky thing in the water.
More jelly play. She's on a Jelly roll....
Dig the blue glove behind the translucent jelly
And out of nowhere, invading my shot, the first salvo from nutboy sea lion is fired. He dropped so fast he was a blur, and cut a furrow into the sand with his sonic boom.
For the rest of the sea lion pics, click here: Sea Lion Play or Main Report & Pics
1) shots with the jelly (here)
2) shots with the escaped mental patient in the sea lion suit (here)
On dive two, one of the first things we came up on was a dead jelly. When a man dies, he falls to the ground. When a roach dies, it rolls over onto its back. When a jelly dies, its bell goes inside out like an umbrella in the wind. Who knew?
I love how her light is reflecting back onto her face from the jelly

I get her no direction, except to point out the jelly and flick it unto the water column. She took over, as all of the best subjects do - just being herself on a tour of discovery of this wacky thing in the water.

More jelly play. She's on a Jelly roll....

Dig the blue glove behind the translucent jelly

And out of nowhere, invading my shot, the first salvo from nutboy sea lion is fired. He dropped so fast he was a blur, and cut a furrow into the sand with his sonic boom.

For the rest of the sea lion pics, click here: Sea Lion Play or Main Report & Pics