Space/Time Continuum

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Ft. Lauderdale, FL (The Diving Capital of the Worl
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
There seems to be a sequencing problem on the board lately.

Posts are appearing out of order, posts will appear that were not there before when you refresh a page.

Posts that quote posts will appear before the quoted posts.

What’s going on with the board lately?
They fired up the LHC, the end is near.
Nothing that I know of. :huh:

See posts 6 & 7 of the linked thread for an example. Post 6 quotes post 7. This was not an edit after the fact. Post 6 appeared in the thread quoting post number 7 before post number 7 appeared. Some how the board transposed the posts.

This is not the only time I have seen this lately.

Recently we have been seeing similar occurances in other areas of the board. I have seen people post, and the post count will skip numbers. When the thread is refreshed posts will suddenly appear where the post numbers were skipped.

I have made posts that show a post number, and when I refresh the thread my post is suddenly as many as 10 posts later than when previously made.

Are there multiple servers being used that could be causing this problem?
It's time to sync the servers! :D

We have two servers that run the front end of our board. It appears that their internal clocks are a tad bit off! :eyebrow: We'll see if we can't get to take their cue off of the Data Server.

Have you been messing around with the Infinite Improbability Drive?
Nope. Why do you ask? :huh:

Unfortunately, human beings are accustomed to travelling at normality (probability 1:1), and can be fairly distressed by events around them whilst the improbability drive is working: losing limbs, turning into sofas, planets spontaneously becoming fruitcakes, database servers metamorphosing into sperm whales and bowls of petunias.

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