Larry, you got lucky! The dive gods were smiling down upon you, great that you got your lens back!
W8less, I live north of seattle and dive Edmonds alot with my camera gear if you want to play with our lenses.
Here are a couple of my shots with my 165 AD mount fish eye on my SP350. I think it's not as much a infinity focus issue, as the sheer magnitude of the dome and wetmount lens that give them a softer look at far infinity focus.
These are in Roatan on Top of Marys Place trench/wall. Reef top is about 40 foot and the wall goes straight down.
Sorry for the grainyness as I had it on ISO-400, and shooting with manual white balance which is a must for most super wide angle capture the whole reef wall and whole dive group scenes. So while not out of focus, it is a softer look way out there into the distance......heck, this is alot of water to shoot through too!
Shutter speed 100, and F6.5 and 8.0. So even with the 400 film speed setting, I was trying to soak up alot of light. Only some slight very lite color and brightness photoshop tweeking on these.....
These are a couple of my favorite shots, and was the first dive with the 165 fish eye. Yeah, they give you a bit of example of infinity focus!!!
This is what a 165 degree of wide angle freedom can capture for you. Manual white balance a must, (calibrated at depth off a photo-white slate) ain't no way dozens and dozens of strobes would light scenes like these! :cool2: