I posted this in another thread and thought other newbies, like myself, might appreciate it.
Attached is a word doc detailing the setting for the 4 custom proggrammable "MY MODES" settings for the Oly SP350. These are the settings reccomended by Cathy Church's Underwater Photo School. They are for Wide Angle, Macro, Super Macro, and Natural Light. I think it is pretty self explainitory. The left column shows the menu choices in order, as they appear in the My Modes menu. Each consecutive column is labled at the top, and gives the corresponding value of each setting for that particualr mode.
Attached is a word doc detailing the setting for the 4 custom proggrammable "MY MODES" settings for the Oly SP350. These are the settings reccomended by Cathy Church's Underwater Photo School. They are for Wide Angle, Macro, Super Macro, and Natural Light. I think it is pretty self explainitory. The left column shows the menu choices in order, as they appear in the My Modes menu. Each consecutive column is labled at the top, and gives the corresponding value of each setting for that particualr mode.